

As professional dancer and performer she has worked with both Czech and foreign artists.

Her productions explores the combination of dance and theatre, mainly influenced by Physical and Improvisation Theater ,in projects in various countries.


Between the years 2004 – 2008 she tought at JAMU as special assistant of Prof. Ctibor Turba.

In 2007, she started working on the creation of children's Theater at Ponec Theater, Prague, now she workes on the Opus Tutti Project of Companhia Musical Theatral
(PT)) since 2012 being co-creator of Opus 1 and Opus 5, of the children’s theater series “Peça a Peça.” 


Now she is dancer of CiM (PT) - Integrated Multidisciplinary Company since 2010 and works intensively with Voarte association


Currently she individually creates interactive children’s theaters within a teaching project in Lisbon


In 2013 she gave birth to her son Gabriel Leo Dittrich.

2013 - Formation certified personal training in pregnancy